Parent Services

Parent Coaching for Unmotivated Teens who need Executive Function Skills

parent coaching:
tools you need for a new adhd diagnosis

Lots of emotions can accompany getting an ADHD diagnosis for your child. And that diagnosis can be complicated by anxiety, learning differences, troubles at school, conflict at home, and ASD.

This set of sessions begins with a review of your child’s records and reports from which Dr. Russell draws customized recommendations for managing home and school.

Parents become trained in what actually works for their child with ADHD, often after years of struggling with what doesn’t.

Five individual sessions plus text support between sessions, $750

Parent Coaching:
The basics of love, Listening, & Connection

Too often, parenting books and philosophies focus on managing behavior and discipline. But children learn and develop into their best selves when they are authentically connected to their parents, feel safe, and are genuinely respected.

Learn what children and teens really need through this series of four positive, encouraging coaching sessions. Practical guidance and helpful tips on how to build connection (even with difficult children or teens), methods for really listening, ways to work together to solve problems, and helpful tips for establishing a peaceful home and happy family life are provided.

Four individual sessions, $600

for parents of Children with ADHD

This workshop is offered throughout the year by zoom and to groups by request.

One-day workshop, $175

(includes materials)